Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Two-handed sword

Also slaughtersword. Special and long (5.5-6 ft) type of a great sword with a very long grip compared to its blade. Has a compound hilt with side-rings and enlarged cross-guards and usually also a special pointed lug (for a better defense or to trap enemy’s sword) sticking out of the blade 4-8 inches below the guard.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Guard chains
Chains which linked the breastplate with the sword, dagger and great helm to.
Weapon which improved effectivity vs. heavy armor. Has a wide, short axe attached to a 5-6 ft haft and a sharp spear at…
A light laminated defence protecting the point of the shoulder and top of the arm, especially popular in Germany.
Waist lame
A horizontal lamina­tion in the breast or backplate at waist level.

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