Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Arquebus

Also called Harquebus, Hackbut or Hagbush. A short gun used by infantry throughout the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries; the butt was sometimes curved so that when levelled it rested against the chest instead of the shoulder.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Bellows Visor
A modern term for a visor with horizontal ridges,such as on 'Maximilian' German fluted armours of the early…
A heraldic recognitive device fixed to the top of the great helm, introduced in the second half of the thirteenth and in wide use by the…
Single-edged sword with a heavy and towards the tip widening blade. Similar to a meat cleaver. Used mostly by infantry. Balanced…
Special (Renaissance) term for two straight or curved cross-guards (front and back). Called just cross or guard when on Medieval …

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