Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Ahlespiess

A polearm common to German-speaking areas, particularly used by the Swiss and Habsburgs: the wooden shaft is relatively short, and the weapon is equipped with a long square rod that is sharpened at the end for thrusting. It could be used either to stab, or, if caught out of a close formation, as an effective anti-armor club.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

A flat plate of leather or parchment (square, round or diamond-shaped) which tied to the point of the shoulder. Worn be­tween 1250-1350 to…
Grand guard
A large reinforcing plate designed for the tilt, attached to the left side of the breastplate to cover the left shoulder, the upper arm and…
Metal strips attached to the the shaft of a polearm to reinforce the torque of its head, and to protect the joint connecting the head and…
Specially shaped handle. Has somewhat wider middle and narrows towards the pommel.

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