Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Adze

The adze was a traditional carpenter’s tool with a long thin axe-like blade attached at a right angle to the handle; they were used for cutting grooves. The Maori of New Zealand used adzes (called a toki) as war weapons. Theirs were carved of bone or jade, usually very elaborately, and lashed to a wooden handle.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Also called barbute, barbuta. An open-faced shoulder-length Italian helmet, made in one piece, with a T-shaped face…
Infantry sword with a form of a longsword. Had to be used with both hands. Blade was flat and wide, hexagonal and…
Left-handed, parrying dagger used along with a rapier.
Recurve bow
Unlike the longbow, the ends of an unstrung recurve bow are curved away from the archer. This allows the strung bow to be more powerful and shorter…

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