Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Bastard sword

Longsword with a longer handle so it can be held by one or two hands. The blade is usually narrowly pointed and quite slender or tapered. The hilt has side-rings and finger-rings. Also called a hand-and-a-half sword.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Long spear with a small steel head, carried by infantrymen. Metal strips (cheeks) were riveted down the shaft from the point, to reinforce…
Helmet with (usually) a hinged visor and a long tail for protecting the back of the neck. Comes in many forms. In England known as a …
Battering Ram
A Battering Ram is a large chunk of wood used to knock down castle walls in the Medieval era. With the weight of at least four men behind it, this…
Sword with a deer horn hilt and no guard.

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