Encyclopedia of historical weapons - 'Maximilian' armour

A modern term applied to the style of early sixteenth century armour charac­terized by narrow, parallel fluting, popular during the reign of the Emperor Maximilian I (1494-1519) and thereafter until the middle of the century.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Most common weapon in history. Looks like a big dagger. Consists of a blade and a hilt, which has many detailed parts. Blade is made of…
Similar to a surcoat. Made from front and back parts laced together. Could be tightened or left loose.
Wooden Roman throwing stick with a spiked head; attached to user's arm with a strap which enabled it to be retrieved after it had been thrown.
Bronze, brass, or latten staples that attached to a bascinet to enable the leather cuff of an aventail to be secured to the helmet.

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