Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Onager

Roman Ballista, so named after a wild ass because of the way it kicked back upon firing. It was most common in the armies in the mid 4th century AD. Since they were so large and slow to move the onagri were most suited for sieges. The length of the sling on the end of the arm could be adjusted to affect the trajectory of the stone.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Fabric covering for the groin, latterly padded. Its counter­part in armour could be either of mail or, more usually, of plate.
A 'frog-mouthed' form of great helm which was worn specifically for Gestesch, bolted to the breastplate.
Great bascinet
Late 14th early 15th century version of the bascinet where the mail aventail was replaced with two steel plates, one in the front and one in back.
Small mace with four blades.

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