Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Dagger

Knife in a sword-like form. Daggers came in many forms and in single or double-edged variations. Usually equipped with a pommel and guard and more complex hilts in the later times. Known in fourteenth century England as a misericorde.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

German Reitschwert
See Backsword.
Full moon
Parrying weapon consisting of a steel ring attached to a handle with two curved blades fitted to either end; outer edges of the ring and the blades…
Roman Ballista, so named after a wild ass because of the way it kicked back upon firing. It was most common in the armies in the mid 4th century…
A long knife or short saber that lacks a guard for the hand at the juncture of blade and hilt; usually has a double curve to the edge and a nearly…

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