Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Ahlespiess

A polearm common to German-speaking areas, particularly used by the Swiss and Habsburgs: the wooden shaft is relatively short, and the weapon is equipped with a long square rod that is sharpened at the end for thrusting. It could be used either to stab, or, if caught out of a close formation, as an effective anti-armor club.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Also called bavier or buffe. A chin-shaped defense for the lower face, incorporating a gorget plate. The buffe was an…
Waist lame
A horizontal lamina­tion in the breast or backplate at waist level.
Bard, or Barding
A term for horse armor, which could be made from a variety of materials, including mail and plate.
Full moon
Parrying weapon consisting of a steel ring attached to a handle with two curved blades fitted to either end; outer edges of the ring and the blades…

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