Encyclopedia of historical weapons - 'Maximilian' armour

A modern term applied to the style of early sixteenth century armour charac­terized by narrow, parallel fluting, popular during the reign of the Emperor Maximilian I (1494-1519) and thereafter until the middle of the century.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Term usually stands for Medieval swords which is, in fact, wrong. This misnomer comes from Victorian collectors of the early 19th century.
The lower part of a sword. Consists of a cross-guard, handle/grip, and a pommel. Medieval swords are most likely to have a…
Type of armor made from small metal rings. Is flexible but insufficient vs. thrusts (therefore usually worn with a tough padding…
Pommel nut
Also pommel bolt or tang nut. Capstan rivet sometimes included in pommels.

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