Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Close-helmet

Helmet which, with a full visor and bevor, com­pletely encloses the head and face; modern use of the term tends to refer not to helmets with hinged cheek-pieces opening at the front (the armet) but visored helmets pivoting open on bolts or rivets each side of the skull. Contempor-garment with a number of large plates riveted inside, worn in the fourteenth century.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Wraping index finger around sword’s ricasso to give it a greater tip control.
See Arquebus.
Lucerne hammer
A staff weapon with a hammer-head balanced by a fluke, popular with Swiss infantry in both the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
Long, double- edged, single-handed sword with a thin blade. Designed to emphasize the thrust. Probably the first…

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